Meet Organizer Kevin
BGG: craineum
Husband, Baba(Dad), Tabletop Gamer, Master Tinkerer, Video Gamer and Software Leader.
When not playing board games I am spending time with my family. We enjoy all the seasons of NH, hiking, sledding, jumping into piles of leaves, making silly faces. I also enjoy creating, could be board games, outrageous costumes, or Death Star Christmas Tree Toppers.
Favorite Game: This is a hard one for me… I like so many different types of things. If I am forced to pick one it is Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island. It has a good theme with Euro elements and is cooperative.
Least favorite: Pokemon TCG, kids love it, I don’t. But you gotta do what you gotta do.
Toilet paper: There is only one answer to this question, and you know what it is.
Beverage of choice: Water, maybe OJ in the morning, once in a while wine in the evening.