Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Japhet Stevens

Today we are featuring Japhet Stevens, a long time supporter and friend of Granite Game Summit who will be joining us for the first time in Designer Alley to show off his game, Treasury. I have personally had the pleasure of playing Treasury in one of its earliest iterations and I have gotten to see it play-tested numerous times.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Greg Krupp

Today we are featuring Greg Krupp, designer of Crowkeeper. Greg lives in Ulster County, New York where he studies Geographic Information Systems at SUNY New Paltz. Many moons ago, he worked as a carpenter in Woodstock, NY and lived in glorified squat houses with multiple beer-soaked copies of Cities and Knights.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Ben Mitchell

Today we are featuring Ben Mitchell from DoubleWatt Games. Ben lives in Newtown Square, PA, which is a small suburb about 20 minutes from downtown Philadelphia ("Go EAGLES!"). He is a software developer by day, currently specializing in machine learning data analysis in the healthcare field.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Chris Michaud

Today we are featuring Chris Michaud, better known as “Your Moderator Chris” from the Flip the Table podcast. Chris was the producer and moderator of Flip the Table from 2012-2017, reviewing over 111 cheesy, weird, and obscure board games for a die hard audience.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Steve Finn

Today we are featuring Steve Finn who is the owner of Dr. Finn's Games, which is an independent game publishing company that publishes his own games. The "Dr" in the title refers to his PhD in philosophy, which is related to Steve's primary job, i.e., being a professor of philosophy.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Runaway Parade

This week we are featuring Gwen & Samuel from Runaway Parade and designers of Fire Tower. Gwen and Samuel initially met at Sarah Lawrence College in 2007 and a partnership was formed. Runaway Parade began as a multimedia online publication, which you can find the archives here,  but after 70 issues they decided it had run its course.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Jessica Davis

Today we are featuring Jess Davis who is also known as Boardgame Girl. Jess has been playing games since she was a young child. Her family loved Bingo, which may contribute to her propensity to yell out board games! at a moment’s notice, and playing card games like 31.In fact, her aunts and uncles were borderline compulsive gamblers, betting nickels on their hands of 31 almost every single night.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Darren Kisgen

Today we are featuring Darren Kisgen the designer of Dragonwood. Darren was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska.  He has a PhD in Finance from the University of Washington, and degrees in Mathematics, Economics and Finance from Washington University in St. Louis.

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