Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Meg, Dan, and Glenn of Games by Playdate

Today our featured designer is not one, but all three designers Meg, Dan, and Glenn of Games by Playdate. Games by Playdate design, produce and publish their own games and are based out of Manchester, NH. Games ranging from Slash: a party game where you ‘ship popular characters and create your own fan fic; Pack the Pack: an adventuring, tile laying game; and Hearts Blazing: a card driven story-game where you create an episode of melodramatic sci-fi series over in under 2 hrs. currently on Kickstarter. You can check out Hearts Blazing and play some games with the GbPD crew at Granite Game Summit.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Doug Osterhoudt and Zach Denoncour of the Adjacent Hex Podcast

Todays featured meda guests are Doug Osterhoudt and Zach Denoncour of the Adjacent Hex podcast. One night they  were sitting around the table playing one of their  favourite board games and started talking about some of the theories behind game creation and what some of the fundamentals of the hobby were.  Frequently in possession of opinions (whether differing or similar) about games and some of the different aspects of the gaming hobby, Doug and Zach leapt into the void with the help of their editor Jodie Wagner of Greater Than Games and the rest is history.  

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Matt Golec & Robert Dijkman Dulkes

Today we have a double feature for you, Matt Golec and Robert Dijkman Dulkes, designers of Penny Press. They are a game design team living in the Upper Valley of Vermont and New Hampshire. Their game, Penny Press, won Cards Against Humanity’s Tabletop Deathmatch and was published by Asmadi Games. We are looking forward to having them as guests at Granite Game Summit.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Bobby Fowler

Today’s featured designer is Bobby Fowler, of Space Chase, a not yet published game. He lives in scenic Manchester, NH and is currently raising several young prototype games. He has high hopes that one day they will grow up, get jobs and move out of the house, but is unsure of when that will happen. Bobby enjoys both designing games as well as creating artwork for them. You can see his current games in progress at and follow along with the steps of his design process on his blog:

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Matt Evans of Board Game Replay

Today’s featured board game media personality is Matt Evans of Board Game Replay. Matt lives NH with his wife and two awesome kids and works in IT. He was first introduced to board games around 5 years ago when a friend invited him to try Dominion. He immediately fell in love and soon owned everything there was for the game. One day a Google search for "Dominion Dividers" lead him to discover Board Game Geek, and that's when the obsession took hold. A few years later Matt and his friends found themselves spending countless amounts of time talking about games after they'd finishing playing them. Anything from impressions and strategies to particularly exciting moments. They decided it might be interesting to record these discussions and that lead to starting the series. Matt will be joining us in May at Granite Game Summit.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Jeff Johnston

Today’s featured designer is Jeff Johnston, designer of Flashlights and FirefliesMoonQuake Escape, and Toasted or Roasted. Jeff is retired from the US Air Force and is a game design hobbyist with a day job as a defense contractor.  A family man, he is recently recovering from three children in college during the same year.  He enjoys creating family friendly games, strong in theme that bring everyone to the table for playful interaction.  Available at stores near you, try Toasted or Roasted and Flashlights & Fireflies at your next family game night.  MoonQuake Escape, his latest project, should be available later this summer.  He’ll also be attending our Summit in May.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Anthony Racano from the Cardboard Jungle Podcast

Today’s featured board game media personality is Anthony Racano, representing the Cardboard Jungle Podcast. He will be joining us at G2S2016, all the way from New York, where he resides. He knows that the fun is worth the drive, which clearly speaks to his heightened intelligence. He is known as a gamer, podcaster, father, husband, fake uncle, and Twitter personality.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Chip Beauvais

Today’s featured designer is Chip Beauvais, designer of the games Smoke and Mirrors and ChromaCubes. He also runs a game on Twitter, A Little Alliteration, which can be found @LitAlliteration. He plays the saxophone, is a father, and encourages supporting creators with Creator Appreciation Day via social media. He’ll also be joining us at Granite Game Summit in May.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

David Miller

Today’s featured designer is David Miller, of the Mint Tin series of games, a lot of game in a little mint tin.  He is also the owner of Subquark, the company which publishes the Mint Tin series. David is a future attendee at Granite Game Summit. He resides in beautiful Portsmouth, NH, and enjoys spending time with an adorable pug named Artemus.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Dan Cristelli of Board Everyday

Today’s featured board game media is Dan Cristelli over at Board Everyday. You can catch up on board game news, and what he is up to--such as his Uwe Week, and kickstarter news--over on the blog. Then download the latest episode of his podcast for everything from reviews, what he has played, and events he is attending. One of those events, of course, is Granite Game Summit. It should also be noted that he loves corgis, because really, who doesn’t?

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Cardboard Republic Creators, Erin Ryan and Ryan LaFlamme

Today’s featured Board Game media are Cardboard Republic creators, Erin Ryan and Ryan LaFlamme. Cardboard Republic is your one stop shop for all things board game related. They have a great blog with everything from reviewspreviews, and current board game happenings. Their podcast Vox Republica is where they talk about games they have played, interviews with designers, and discuss board game news items. They even create some fun, short, videos where Erin goes over their current game hauls, and my personal favorite, the To Be Played segments where she covers what they managed to get to the table the previous month and what they hope to get played in the coming month.

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Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly Granite Game Summit, People Kimberly

Kevin Craine

Today’s feature designer is Kevin Crane, who also happens to be one of our Granite Game Summit organizers. Kevin is a Husband, and a father to two boys, who loves to create, no matter the medium. He is an amateur game designer who is in the process of publishing his first game, Robit Riddle, but does not currently have any games on the market.

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