Play To Win
One of our more popular events at Granite Game Summit is the Play to Win. Play to win is very much what it sounds like. You can play one of our featured games for a chance to win that copy of it.
Designer Alley for G2S18
Designer Alley is happening Friday March 9th from 5pm to 7pm and Saturday March 10th from 10am to 6pm. This is our finalized designer schedule for #G2S18 make sure to check out their past features by clicking on their names. Come join in the fun!
Portsmouth Escape Room
We are excited to announce that we will have the crew from Portsmouth Escape Room joining us Saturday March 10th, 2018 at #G2S18! They will be hosting a pop-up escape room starting at 10 a.m.. The pop-up event is a 15 minute puzzle for up to 5 people at a time.
Math Trade and Auction for #G2S18
Do you need to purge some games and clear the shelves a bit? Or are you looking to maybe acquire some new ones? Good news, the Math Trade and Auction for #G2S18 are now live! Thank you to Granite Game Summit attendee and friend Dan Cristelli for organizing them again this year!
New Hampshire State Championships
We are proud to announce that we will be hosting the New Hampshire State Championships for the games Diamonds, Skull King, Game of 49, Neuroshima Hex, Nevermore and Dimension. The winner of each game will receive a trophy, a copy of that game, plus a seat at the final round of the Northeast Regional Championship at DEXCON 21 (as well as a free badge to DEXCON 21)!
Gil Hova
Today we are featuring Gil Hova, designer The Networks and the founder of Formal Ferret Games. Gil was also the subject of the pilot episode of the DiceBreakers' series Gamer's Table. You can watch the episode here.
December Giveaways
December seems like a great time to share the love and give away some merchandise to our fans. What better way to do that then through a social media game?
Design Schedule for Spring '17
Here is our finalized designer schedule for #G2S17 make sure to check out their past features by clicking on their names!
Event Announcement for Sunday April 9th, 2017
We are excited to be bringing a virtual reality Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes experience to you on Sunday April 9th, 2017 at 10 a.m.
Event Announcements For Saturday April 8th, 2017
With just under two months until our Spring Summit, we would like to announce the events for Saturday April 8th!
Event Announcements for Friday April 7th, 2017
As our Spring Summit is quickly approaching, we are pleased to announce our events for Friday April 7th!
Designer Alley
Here at the Granite Game Summit, we like to try and build up our local gaming community. One of our favorite ways to do that is through our designer alley at our events.
Play to Win Tutorials
One of my favorite parts of the Granite Game Summit is the "Play to Win" track. How cool is it that you can come to a gaming event and have a chance to win just by playing a game? Sometimes these games are well known classics, other times they are brand new and is a fun way to generate buzz around them. But one aspect of it is that it can be daunting to sit down and try to learn the game while at the event itself.
Designer Schedule For #G2SFall
Here is our finalized designer schedule for #G2SFall make sure to check out their past features by clicking on their names!
Granite Game Search
We are pleased to announce the first ever Granite Game Search hosted by Chip Beauvais of Flying Sheep and Ben Warren of DiceBreakers .
The #G2SFall Raffle
We are proud to announce the return of the raffle to #G2SFall ! Tickets will be sold until 5:30 p.m. and all entries must be completed by 5:45 p.m.
Auction Reminder and Final Day of Discount Ticket Sales
Now that the #G2SFall math trade has ended and the Summit is less than 3 weeks away, it is time to get your items into the auction. Whether you are looking to cull some items from your own collection, or add some to it, the auction is where it is at.
Boston FIG
This past Saturday, Kevin and I got to attend Boston FIG (Festival of Indie Games) which was held at MIT.
Math Trades
With the fall Granite Game Summit fast approaching, it’s time to launch the next no-ship G2S Math Trade.
Biggering our Event
Our first adventure in the board game convention arena has been amazing. When I first talked with Kimberly and Mike about it we were pretty excited. Our goal was to hopefully have 100 people if we were lucky. But it has become so much more than just gathering a few friends together for a game day. We want to thank everyone who has supported us for the first Granite Game Summit.